Coffee heat rising

Various Cool Stuff

How cool is this, for example?


Thos. Moser is having a 15%-off sale on office furniture, among it this chair that I’ve coveted for…oh, about forever. Even at the discount, though, the price tag is in cardiac arrest territory.

Oh, well.

BeePollinatingFlowersAt Windy City Gal, Linda has something much cooler: a real beehive in her backyard! And someone to take care of it, too. Such fantastic little creatures!

Meanwhile, Revanche and PiC covet a backyard, too: they’re beginning to contemplate the possibility of buying a house — a daunting prospect when you live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Asian Pear awakes in the wee hours and shares the thoughts that keep her up at night.

At Afford Anything, Paula’s boyfriend Will gets his aged Accord stolen! They’re in no hurry to buy a new one, but sooner or later will have to go through that hassle.

Donna Freedman holds forth about the flabbergasting number of mosquitoes that come out during an Alaskan summer. Ugh! Horrid things…I’ll take 115-degree days over blood-sucking insects any day!

At Bargaineering, Jim Wang is planning a Tweetchat on teaching new college graduates about life in the real world; he solicits reader ideas.

StackingCash worries that retiring Boomers will suck so much capital out of the stock market that the whole house of cards will collapse.

At Blue Collar Workman, TB advises on protecting your home from flooding. Good ideas there. I need to find out how to get a back-up generator connected…

At Prairie Ecothrifter, Marie has posted a very nice article outlining ways to cope with stress-related insomnia.

At Budgeting in the Fun Stuff, Crystal (who has a cute new haircut) and Mr. BFS are paying close attention to food costs (they have a “food fight” going on :-D) and dieting, two projects that seem mutually exclusive.

Planting Our Pennies has emitted several engaging posts this week. Start with the current chapter of an ongoing horror story and read back. Think I’m going to send a link to the real estate leverage piece to my business group, which is richly larded with real estate and lending professionals.

At Five-Cent Nickel, Suba Iyer shares some good advice about arranging your affairs for your family should you die or become incapacitated.

Mrs. Accountability serves up an easy and scrumptious grilled pork loin at Out of Debt Again.

At Frugal Confessions, veteran renter Amanda offers several ways to cut the cost of your rent bill, some of which are pretty darned clever. None of them include “pack up and move.”

Like the PoPs, Evan has been up to all sorts of entertaining stuff at My Journey to Millions. A little rabble-rousing: thoughts on taxpayer-funded regulation of consensual sex. Then, a severe temptation to pass judgment (who, Evan? surely not! ;-)) elicits a lot of reader comment.

At Frugal Rules, John celebrates a whole year of freedom from the gerbil wheel and reflects on the joys and challenges of self-employment.

The newlyweds of NZ Muse continue their journey though Asia. Since this pair likes to eat, they dish up some very fine food porn after their better restaurant adventures.

And the less newly wed nicoleandmaggie celebrate an anniversary with a lovely retrospective post, very beautiful indeed.

Frugal Scholar helps Frugal Son move into his new house, with mixed emotions.

And so it goes…

Newport Chair. Thos. Moser Furniture.
Pollination by a bee. Louise Docker. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.


6 thoughts on “Various Cool Stuff”

  1. That’s a great collection of links. I enjoyed all of them. Cool stuff, indeed!

    I’m glad you liked my bee post enough to add good commentary and a link. Thank you!

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