Waiting for the cops to show up.
And waiting…and waiting…and waiting….
Some charmer was sniffing around the front and the east side of the house. Seems to be gone now.
After SDXB chased off his burglars — caught them in the living room and waved his pistol at them — he called the cops. Said it was over 20 minutes before they showed up. At two in the morning…
That was a couple years ago…and one of the immediate causes for his moving to lovely, boring Sun City.
No sign of a gendarme here. Haven’t been tracking the wait time….
They finally appear.
Well, one lonely cop shows up. By the time he gets here, there’s not a soul around. Ruby is quiescent. Presumably our visitor has moved on.
I hope.
Dammit, I have got to get out to the range and practice with my father’s pistol!!!
More to the point, I probably need to get a shotgun. Much easier to hit an uninvited visitor.
Cripes! Here’s a cop copter, a couple blocks to the north of us. That suggests Josie must have called them, too.
A uniformed officer showed up at the door about ten minutes after I called. That’s darned good response time — usually it takes them at least twenty minutes to surface.
What a garden spot!