Coffee heat rising

Done Duck

Well, Duck is now definitively gone. I’d say Ruby the Corgi had chased her off, but I don’t think that’s quite the case.

As the days have progressed on their summer trek toward Hell Central, Duck has spent less and less time on her nest. She’s been MIA for hours at a time, which can’t be good for the gestating eggs, even though it’s so hot they can’t very well be cooling off.

To the contrary: they’re probably overheated in there. Baked duckling, as it were.

Yesterday she was hiding under some other shrubbery, presumably where it’s cooler — it was 110 at 7 p.m., to give you a clue of what it’s like out in the backyard. Anyway, I needed to get the hose to keep a few potted plants alive, and when I opened the gate, Ruby squeezed in around my legs and shot around the pool, flushing Duck from her shelter.

Duck took off, and she hasn’t come back.

Oh well. Now I can have Gerardo’s guys trim those damn filthy palm trees.

That’ll be another $300 bill…

1 thought on “Done Duck”

  1. Ah, well. It was quite late in the season for her to be trying to raise some little ones, but it was nice of you to let her practice. Maybe next year she’ll be successful in having her own brood.

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