Coffee heat rising

Happy Independence Day

Here’s a surprise:


How beautiful, eh? They popped up out of the dry, dry ground, where even the cactus is looking parched. First came a little stand of green spikes that looked like a small patch of bunchgrass about six or eight inches high. Then this morning, pow! Here were all these amazing, brilliant yellow blossoms. Floral fireworks!

No idea what they are. They must have come from one of the bulbs I planted last winter. But as I recall, none of ’em looked like that.

Hope your Fourth of July is a little cooler than ours: 113 for the predicted high.

😉 Some like it hot.

At A Gai Shan Life, Revanche has been going to town in the writing department, with that timeless question — whose turn is it to pick up the tab? — and plans to descend on Comic-Con 2013 and scrumptious recipes with a little sushi porn on the side.

Speaking of comics, Donna Freedman recently posted another Tundra give-away. We’re a day late and a dollar short today, but you should visit Chad Carpenter’s weekly archive after reading Donna’s beautiful rumination on the summer — dang! but that woman can write.

And speaking of eats, Money Beagle whips up an original and clever biscuit recipe.

Did you see Asian Pear’s “Canadian” nail polish? I love artsy-craftsy nail polish designs! So much fun…and so much better than a tattoo. 😉

At Budgeting in the Fun Stuff, Crystal goes in search of a sane price for contact lenses.

Amanda Grossman tells a really neat story about how frugality can make your life better, posted over at Frugal Confession.

At Prairie Eco-Thrifter,. Miranda offers five tips for getting off your duff and exercising.

At Planting Our Pennies, Mrs. PoP reflects on the significance of anniversaries and on marriage in general, eliciting a lot of reader comment.

And speaking of marriage, over at Grumpy Rumblings Nicoleandmaggie share their own viewpoint on the subject.

Personally, I’m for polyandry. Each woman would have as many husbands as she pleased. Think of the advantages… You could have one who could do gourmet cooking, one who was handy with tools, one that liked to ride herd on the kids, a couple who earned six-figure incomes, two or three who were particularly scenic…now we’re talkin’ matriarchy!

At I Pick Up Pennies, Abigail wonders if some coupon deals, especially Groupon, might be a bit on the guilt-inducing side.

Read the Declaration of Independence lately? Well, today’s a mighty good time to do so. At My Journey to Millions, Evan has posted the entire thing.

At NZMuse, the bride and groom continue their journey through Asia. Ever heard of a sleeper bus? E-musings tells you all about them.

Mrs. Accountability has a funny tale and some grutching about Amazon’s marketing practices.

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Hallelujah, brothers and sisters! The sun is over the yardarm! That means The Fat Lady is about to put a couple of lamb chops on the grill, thereby providing an excuse to open a bottle of wine.

Happy Fourth of July to One and All!



4 thoughts on “Happy Independence Day”

  1. Not sure I can get behind the wife sharing you speak of but mainly because of the sexual aspect….although being able to pawn off The Wife when she is yelling at me might be worth it LOL

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