Coffee heat rising

Moments of Fame

Nicole at The Budgeting Babe e-mailed, while Funny was down, to say the 161st Carnival of Personal Finance is up. She has kindly included Funny’s rumination on the possible financial benefits of moving to a rural setting, especially if you’re less than staggeringly affluent. As usual, the CofPF is huge and full of interesting posts. Check out, for example, this heartfelt reflection from Amanda at Value for Your Life on the decision to make a fundamental change in career plans. Money Blue Book has an amazing discussion of the arcane way in which the number on your credit card is generated. And I enjoyed the speculation, at Can I Get Rich on a Salary, about the strange case of the woman who refused to pay off her credit card debt.

Country Magpie has posted the 72nd Make It from Scratch Carnival. This event includes some amazing recipes, including (believe it or not!) one for latter-day granola and one for making cherry liqueur. The carnival links to some interesting crafts projects, too, possibly the most amazing of which is a scheme to crochet the ubiquitous plastic grocery bags into handbags and clothespin bags. The crazy things look pretty good! They’ll presumably last for the ages, too.