My son alerted me to the new recall of “exploding” Samsung clothes washers. My own piece of junk is not on this list. Which is just as well: Samsung isn’t doing much to help people who own machines that have fallen apart or are likely to.
Consumer Reports, the poor fools, placed the Samsung at the top of its ratings. If you get a kick out of other consumers’ squawks of outrage, don’t miss the hilarious (and not so funny…) endless string of CR readers’ eye-popping experiences with these fine machines. Scroll to the bottom of the article, down to the comments section, and start reading. It’s amazing.
And gratifying: now I feel like maybe I’m not a total nut case. Many a Samsung user reports half-assed performance, ruined clothing, long cycles that leave you with dirty clothes…and on and on. And apparently models other than the ones on the recall list have some alarming mechanical problems.
So far mine has not done anything that looks dangerous — but I hardly use it. Most of the time, I wash my clothes by hand (because the washer either won’t get them clean or braids them into knots, as above) and just run them through the washer’s rinse cycle. That doesn’t make much of a demand on the washer.
My son’s crapped out a couple of years ago…and since he bought his a couple years after I bought mine, his didn’t last long at-tall. Considering the price of the damn things, that is just outrageous. Apparently they’re going to send him about $150.
Whoop de doo.
Here in town there’s a store that sells brand-new scratched and dented appliances and that does repair work. It’s NOT a big box store. It’s NOT Sears (never again!). And it IS a locally owned business. Even though my Samsung is running OK on the rinse cycle, I’m seriously thinking it’s time to pay that merchant a visit to see if they can come up with something that…oh…you know…works?