Coffee heat rising

This, That, and the ‘Tother…

OMG! Did you read this amazing, hilarious, BIZARRE story at Money Beagle? Kinda warms the cockles of your jaded little heart…

Beagle reminds us, in the preceding post, that 2015 is one-third over now and invites us to take stock. Ugh. I’m doomed. Not as doomed as I was at this time last year, when the money suck started in January and ran merrily through two quarters or more. But still. Doomed.

Retire by Forty reports, btw, that one of this year’s goals is to sock away 50 grand in tax-advantaged savings. Ah, to have a job. Ahhhhh to have a working spouse!

Oh well. Can’t complain much after reading Tara’s guest post at Len Penzo dot Com.  Argha! Thirty-five grand for an accomplished, experienced young woman like her. WTF????????

Or, to put that in Old-Ladyese: what is this world coming to?

Mama Revanche holds forth on the myths of the landlord biz. It’s an interesting post with points well taken.

I love it when Financial Samurai has one of his data frenzies. He holds forth with élan in his latest post on the US middle class.

And along those lines, at My Journey to Millions, Evan asks what “average” means, anyway, when it comes to retirement savings.

LOL! Is it possible to say how much I’d love to have a $7,924 net income? Oh well.  Although Planting Our Pennies broke even with dollars while I broke even with peanuts, our month-end balance is about the same. 😆

Over at I Pick Up Pennies, Abigail ruminates on what might be regarded as an “ideal” income.  Readers add their opinions, some of which are very interesting, indeed.

Donna Freedman describes a financial strategy guaranteed to raise the hairs right off the head of the typical financial blogger. One size does not fit all…

And right now I need to get back to work on the Boob Book, and so…up, up and away!

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