My Lord, but life in the 21st Century is a PITA. One of its least charming aspects — which effectively dominates anything you try to do — is The Endless Runaround.
The endless computer runaround. The endless phone runaround. WhatEVER it is that you need to get done, you can’t reach a person to explain what’s up and get them to fix it. Instead you hassle and you wait and you hassle and you wait and you hassle and you wait and you repeat REPRESENTATIVE!!!!! over and over and over again, until after about five or ten minutes of steadily increasing infuriation, you finally reach a human. First, though, you get put on hold listening to ads or annoying, redundant messages.
I can remember when a human answered right away after you dialed a number. She would promptly direct you to the party who could help you with your issue. Yes: it was usually a “she” because the jobs were low-paying and women in the Good Ole Day were almost wholly consigned to low-paying jobs.
And no, that was not a good thing. But it was what it was.
But in the “not a good thing” department, neither is FOR BLAH BLAH BLAH, CLICK 9… FOR BLAH BLAH BLAH, CLICK 8… FOR BLAH BLAH BLAH….. uh huh. Click 8 and get stuck on hold for some interminable wait, during which you’re entertained with annoying ads or annoying Muzak.
I bought a refrigerator from a local vendor. It was junk: it makes loud noises:
So I arranged for Gerardo take it back to the ba*tards, and I bought another refrigerator from Home Depot.
Aside: Never buy local just to make yourself feel righteous. That’s a recipe for disaster. Always buy from major corporations that have competent customer service and return policies.
I called AMEX and explained the situation telling them that I will need to buy a new fridge and don’t know what to do with the noisemaker in my kitchen. They said have no fear and charged into battle.
AMEX voided the $1376 charge to the crooks, even though said crooks refused to take the machine back.
So I figured to donate this thing to a charity (not so much: nary a charity in sight will accept a refrigerator!!!) and buy a new fridge at Home Depot.
After I had arranged to buy a Home Depot refrigerator, the noise emanating from the clunk slacked off. And…lo! What do I find online but a page remarking that sometimes refrigerators buzz and rattle when they’re new, but that effect goes away. Hm.
Since the local crooks told AMEX they would not take a return or refund my money, I decided I should cancel the HD fridge. (Bad idea, BTW).
So now I get an email from AMEX going on about how I will owe them $1400 for the refrigerator. That’s fine, as long as it’s going to work.
And it does work: noisily.
BUT…in addition to that, they’ve also got the charge pending for the Home Depot refrigerator!
So yesterday I had to drive up there and argue with HD about that. They supposedly canceled the charge.
This morning I get an email from Home Depot billing me $1400 for a new refrigerator.
GAAAWWWDAMMIT!!! On the phone to American Express.
Calling AMEX involves a brain-banging run-around. You can’t get a person on the phone for love nor money. After what feels like half an hour of punching buttons and uttering words — I’ve found that SCREAMING REPRESENTATIVE!!!!!!! INTO THE PHONE does speed this process along, BTW — I get a person and explain the story. Their rep, who seems sane (how???), agrees that the charge will be voided.
So now here I am, sitting here in the family room listening to this fucking GE refrigerator humming to itself, occasionally still buzzing. If you go over and smack it, the noise stops — well, not the motor humming, but the damned crazy-making buzz.
And as if I didn’t have enough aggravation to fill the day, no doubt I really should go back up to HD and confirm that the refrigerator purchase really was voided.
Probably should have gone ahead with eating the $1400 bill for this thing, throwing it in the alley, and buying a new one. But…well…DAYUM!
Even when it’s not buzzing, it runs quite loud. In fact, I’d say I’ve never had a fridge whose motor noise was this loud. As for the buzzing…well…I’m thinking I’ll call a refrigerator repairman (if such creatures still exist) and pay him a trip charge to come look at this thing and see if it can be made to run quietly and skip the rattling episodes. If not, maybe he can recommend a replacement brand.
ohhhhh and just to make the day perfect: apparently my ad-blocking software has failed. Now I’m getting BLITZED with effing ads on every website. arrrerrghhhhhh!!!!!
I always read Consumer Reports before buying appliances. But I don’t know where I’m going to buy the next one. Most of my appliances came from Sears and they’re gone.
I haven’t had an appliance repair person come out for years. However my sister did have one to fix an appliance. Though I don’t know where she found him.
Try reading online about your model’s problem. It could help. I was surprised when I researched my water buildup in my freezer. Evidently it’s a common problem with Whirlpool refrigerators.
Oddly, it’s not easy to find Consumer Reports around here. The supermarkets don’t seem to carry it any more. You have to go to the library and dig it out of the stacks — and often they don’t have current issues or a complete set of issues.
From what I can tell online, buzzing is not uncommon in new refrigerators. Evidently it will often go away after the machine has been running for several days. And so…well…MAYBE that’s what’s going on here.
AMEX has voided payment on this thing. So I can justify moving it into the garage and using it as storage shelving. If they make me pay for it, though…well, there’s the world’s most expensive shelf space! 😀
You can access a lot of CR online, BTW…but you have to pay for the privilege: And it ain’t cheap! Sixty bucks a year!