Coffee heat rising

We’re set…with any luck

So yesterday a friend at the church helped me thrash around to transfer the autopays for the Blogging Empire over to a credit card. It looks like Funny is safe from extinction, at least for the nonce.

Assuming this works (big assumption), it will have two advantages:

a) because I will have to see and approve each month’s bill, I can keep an eye on whatever shenanigans have been going on; and (best of all!)

b) American Express does NOT put up with any shenanigans. If any funny stuff is going on, I’ll know it right away.

It remains unclear whether payments to the site’s Web guru and Web host were not going through or whether the whole flap was some kind of scam. I tend to suspect the latter, since lately I’ve been targeted by crooks.

At any rate, for the nonce Funny is safe from the virtual guillotine.

3 thoughts on “We’re set…with any luck”

  1. Whew! Glad the blog is safe, and glad a friend was able to help you rearrange the automatic payments. I don’t comment much these days, but I always look forward to reading about your latest exploits. The internet wouldn’t be the same without you!

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