Why, whenever you have a hectic day, WHY do you end up wrapping it with another looney-toons episode?
Stumble into the house. Put away groceries. Fire up grill. Cut up the steak, preparatory to broiling. Get out the fresh asparagi: wash them and dip them in olive oil, the better to broil on the grill.
None o’that sittin’ down stuff for the likes of you, dopey!
AJ’s — the fancy overpriced grocer — sells THE most to-die-for baked potatoes, all individually sliced and swathed in cheeses and magnificently roasted. These are not to be missed.
Defrosted a steak earlier in the Day from Hell.
Grab that out of fridge: cut into pieces, sprinkle tonight’s share w/ salt and pepper.
Fire up the grill. Toss on the taters and the steak and the asparagi.
Young neighbors’ kids are playing. Delight in the sound of kids’ wonderful voices while charging between kitchen and backyard grill.
“Hey, God?”
“Yeah? Whaddaya want?”
“Howcum I’m so tired I can barely stumble between the kitchen and the Que?”
{divine chortle} “Do I have to explain everything to you?”
“Well, just don’t bop me over the head this time.”
LOL! “It was the guy with the red hide and the pointy horns on his noggin who bopped you over the head.”
{sigh} Well…wouldja mind telling him to knock it off?
{Heavens resound with divine chortling.}
Yeah. It’s been that kinda day.