Coffee heat rising

Who’s that comin’ down the street? Someone who’s hungry!

Next time you walk up a busy sidewalk or drive down a crowded street, consider this: twelve in every one hundred people around you may be going hungry because of the recession. Yes. That would be three in every twenty-five of your fellow townspeople.

That’s if you’re in one of America’s more privileged regions, somewhere in the Northeast. If you live in the Southeast, something like fifteen in one hundred of your fellow pedestrians or drivers is hungry. And not because they’re on the Atkins diet. Three in twenty wonder where their next meal will come from.

As President Obama reported recently, “food stamp applications are surging and food pantry shelves are emptying.”

That sure is true here in lovely uptown Arizona. And we’re not even in the areas alleged to be the hardest bit.

Got a package of spaghetti, a box of rice, a can of soup, a bottle of baby food? If you’re not going hungry yourself, why don’t you take that stuff to your nearest food bank. Now. Right this minute. Get up, drop the chow in a bag, and get yourself and the bag of loot to the food bank. Don’t wait.