Why I’d rather live up here at the top of Central Avenue than in the beautiful, classic Encanto neighborhood downtown whence we came, lo these many years ago:
* Quieter. Lots less noise. Further from the airport. No fire station three houses down the street.
* Our park seems safer than large, beautiful, mega-public Encanto Park. No public toilets here. Fewer shrubs for bums to sleep under. Much less parking.
* Deeper in the ‘Hood: Fewer iron bars on windows & doors…
* Houses here are newer…which means not so picturesque. But that also means better, safer wiring, better & more efficient AC, enclosed garages, ever-so-much harder to break into.
* Really no further from a regional hospital than we were there. Except we have TWO of them…
* Better insulation, possibly better construction here (depends on your point of view)
* Desert landscaping: acceptable here. Hold the grass. Save the gallon on gallon on gallon of water poured into the dirt.
* Less commerce, and commerce further from residential areas.
* Schools may be better. Closer to private & parochial schools.
My O My, I did love living in the beautiful, classic downtown Encanto district.
But My O My: if you have a functioning synapse between your ears. the northerly reaches of tony North Central and the shabby reaches of neighboring, lower-middle-class Sunnyslope make sooooo much better sense than the snobby elegance of the Encanto District!
And all things considered, our reaches don’t look any worse, they don’t feel any worse, they don’t function any worse than the classic, handsome upper-middle-class Encanto neighborhoods. Ever so beautiful, those. But…uhm…none too practical.