…Than a neighbor’s kid?
The young lesbians catty-corner across the street are outside with friends, along with a couple of absurdly adorable small children. EGAD, but I love other people’s kids!
Migawd, kids are wonderful! But they’re particularly wonderful when you don’t have to put them to bed. Or haul them out of bed in the morning and drag them off to school.
LOL! This is why I absolutely positively would NOT want to live in Sun City, not ever again. True: I don’t want to work like a horse, ever again, taking care of the offspring. But I do get a hoot out of kids…especially the ones that belong to the neighbors.
One of the reasons my parents chose to retire to Sun City in fact was that my father hated the sound of children playing. He liked to take an afternoon nap (because he regularly worked a swing shift)…and few things annoyed him more than being kept awake by kids hollering.
And it wasn’t just that he disliked kiddie noise. He really, truly didn’t like kids. It’s kind of surprising that my mother was able to persuade him to have even one brat. But she insisted I was dearly, desperately desired.
Apparently that was so…yea verily, she had a series of miscarriages before I popped out. But after that, she seems never to have tried again.
She was severely malnourished as a child growing up in New England. As an adult, she had skeletal deformities that resulted from poor nutrition and lack of sunlight. So my guess is that she in fact did have a difficult time carrying a pregnancy to term.
I wonder to what extent (if any) her malnourishment as a child affected my development as a child and/or even my own pregnancy. Apparently a wide variety of effects occur, and many last for a lifetime. {sigh} Makes me feel horribly sad to think that my mother suffered the consequences of malnutrition because her grandparents lived on a dirt farm and couldn’t afford the amount or types of food needed for a kid to grow into a healthy adult.
At any rate… Other people’s kids, eh?
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