Coffee heat rising

Worth Bookmarking…

Exploring the Internet for new-to-me sites dealing with things monetary, I recently came across a number of interesting blogs. Check these out:

Carpe Diem, by Mark J. Perry, an economics and finance professor at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus. Lots of interesting material pops up here, some of it raw data or close to it, but usually things that seem to have some meaning. Recently, for example:

Median Sales Prices of Existing Homes, January 2008 to June 2010
California Mortgage Defaults, 2009Q1 to 2010Q2,  and, intriguingly,
ASA Staffing Index 24% above Same Wk. Last Year

Econbrowser, by economics Professor James D. Hamilton at UC San Diego and public affairs and economics professor Menzie Chinn of the University of Wisconsin, Madision.

China Land Prices
Fighting Deflation
A Specter Is Haunting America

Marginal Revolution, by George Mason University economics professors Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok.

The History and Future of Private Space Exploration
Jimmy Stewart Is Dead
Gender Parity in Schooling around the World

Would you like to share leads to thoughtful and interesting sites that are outside the PF bloggers’ niche, or outside the niche your own blog occupies? Please let us know in the comments below!

Tomorrow it’s off to the high country for a daylong break from summer’s cabin fever. Back Saturday!