Coffee heat rising

Giving Oneself Little Gifts

What with the boobectomy still in the healing stages, walking the dogs is out. Wrangling them requires a lot of arm work: Ruby is still not well trained to the leash, and while she’s charging forward like White Fang at the head of the sled-dog team, Cassie poops out after about half a mile and starts to drag behind. So I end up with one dog pulling me forward and the other pulling me backward.

But I do need to get up and move around.

So yesterday and today, I decided to leave the dogs at home and go for a nice, quiet, SLOW stroll around the ’hood. No power walking: just ambling.

It was soo incredibly nice! The weather, now that the recent rain and frost have passed, defies belief it’s so gorgeous. And when you slow down, you end up seeing things you ordinarily miss and — get this! — actually talking with people. Isn’t that a quaint idea?

Working has come almost to a halt. And I’m finding that not too obnoxious: suddenly I have time to perambulate around at my leisure.

I enjoyed these mile-long strolls, quiet and undogged, so much that I’ve decided to give a solitary walk to myself as a gift. The dog walks normally take place after dark, anyway — there’s no reason that can’t continue once doggy-walks resume. But I’m going to take time out of my work every day to make a comfortable, non-athletic amble, and use that time to relax and unwind.

And why not, I say, why should we not give ourselves occasional gifts of this nature? Gifts that have the potential to improve life — preferably nonmaterial gifts. Not a thing but time, an activity, some privacy or some company.

What gift would you give to yourself? And why haven’t you done it?

4 thoughts on “Giving Oneself Little Gifts”

  1. I have to tell you that this particular blog post sounds so much less frantic than usual. The relaxing walks must be working. 😀

    • Well, you haven’t called on the phone to transact business. 😀 Incoming telephone calls cause the dogs to burst into hymns of barkifariousness. Within 30 seconds of pickup, both dogs notice a moth flying past the front door and so park themselves at the door and sound the alarm. Failing that, Ruby grabs a shoe and races outside with it, shooting past wherever I happen to be standing with the phone in my hand. In the same moment, whatever’s on the stove starts to burn, a cop helicopter decides to park overhead, Gerardo shows up and turns on a high-powered leaf blower under the nearest window, and the washer overflows.

      People who call here must think they really ARE calling the Funny Farm!

  2. I gave myself the gift of quitting the job from hell in 2009. I was so stressed and one morning I sat on the deck with my morning coffee and I was in tears ( at 6:30 AM) about what I would be facing when I got to work and I suddenly thought … I don’t have to put up with this. So I went in that morning and as soon as the sh!# started hitting the fan I went in and gave my notice! I have a great job now but have shored up the savings and escape plan so that I never have to suffer if things aren’t going well at work.
    I am so happy that you are healing and taking time for yourself. Take it slow and enjoy your walks and enjoy your dogs. Separately for now!

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