I felt this weary at 6:00 p.m?
LOL! Just this minute, I could very easily fall face-forward in the sack and conker out…
Alas, that would mean that along about 10:00 p.m. — tonight! — I’d be WIDE AWAKE with noooo hope of getting back to sleep…
Ohhhh well….
Dawg and I: just back from a mile-long perambulation of the park. Pretty quiet out there. Numbers of cute li’l kids playing. A couple of athletic teams bopping balls back and forth. The moon glowing brightly against a dark blue dusk sky.
Ahh, the young people are so fine, so much pleasure to watch. It really IS a beautiful neighborhood, full of excellent young folks alive with energy. My idea of energy is getting all the way around the park — about a mile — without conkering out.
The hound, being as lazy and as superannuated as her human. has taken up her position at the foot of the mattress and is busy conkering out. It’s only 7:00, but frankly I doubt if I’ll last much longer than she will… zzzzzzzzzz
After Dark…
LOL! So there I wuz, going on about how beautiful the’Hood is. That was this afternoon. Now it’s coming onto 8 p.m., and what we have is BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!
Gunfire or backfires — or maybe a bit of both — resonating down from Conduit of Blight Blvd.
Honestly. This kind of sh!t makes the mausoleum that is Sun City look good. Which is sayin’ something.
Something horrible.
Ugh. I should have moved out to Sun City when SDXB did.
Trouble is, I hated living out there with my parents. The Silence of the Mausoleum is just not my idea of pleasant.
On the other hand…the whiz of ricocheting bullets is prob’ly not all that grand, either.
Phoenix: LA. East.
What a dump!